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Anse summer university 2013

19-23 August, 2013
Kaunas, Lithuania
Organized by the Association of Supervisors in Lithuania (LPSKA) in collaboration with ANSE and Vytautas Magnus University Supervision serves to assure and further develop the quality of communication and cooperation in professional contexts. In ever more areas of social life, civil society and business, the quality of human relations determines the quality of products and services. ‘Trust’ is an indispensable precondition for reliable and fruitful relations on both the personal and the organizational level.
Trust, however, is sorely lacking all over Europe and beyond. As supervisors we see how people lose trust in the organizations or institutions by which they are employed. There are many reasons for the rise of organizational distrust, such as continuous organizational change or, perhaps even more fundamental, the repeated experience that money is always given precedence over people.

As supervisors we are regularly confronted with this. What can – and should – we do about it? How can we help people and organizations to rebuild trust, and what is needed to be able to do that? Looking for answers we invite supervisors, coaches and other consultants, researchers, academics and interested employees to join the ANSE – LPSKA Summer University on “TRUST”.
The main theme – how to build trust through supervision – will serve as an umbrella over more specific subjects, such as the role of supervisors in creating ‘new’ qualities in human relations and in organizational culture. Moreover, the general theme of ‘trust’ would give ample room to various approaches addressing different needs, such as how to raise interpersonal respect, how to better identify the hidden need for supervision or how to handle the distrust deriving from the extreme individualism and competitiveness in European countries.
Summer University Language: English

19-23 August, 2013
Kaunas, Lithuania

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